Linien- und Anlagenführer (m/w/d)

Für unseren Firmensitz in Offingen (Kreis Günzburg / Burgau) suchen wir eine/n

Linien- und Anlagenführer (m/w/d)



Eigenständiges Führen von Anlagen unter Einhaltung klarer Leistungs- und Qualitätsvorgaben
Bedienung von Produktionsanlagen zur Herstellung von Pasta: Von der Nudelpresse über die Kochanlagen sowie den Froster bis hin zur Verpackung
Durchführung von Rüst- und Reinigungsarbeiten inklusive des Produktwechsels
Überwachung der Produktion und Sicherstellung der Qualitätsvorgaben sowie eigenverantwortliches Gegensteuern beim Auftreten einer Abweichung


Idealerweise Vorkenntnisse aus der Lebensmittelproduktion
Technisches Verständnis und den Anspruch, an der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung der Abläufe aktiv mitzuarbeiten
Hohes Hygiene- und Qualitätsbewusstsein
Bereitschaft zur Weiterbildung bei internen Schulungen
Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse – diese sind zwingend erforderlich
Hohes Maß an Teamfähigkeit sowie Flexibilität
Bereitschaft zur Schichtarbeit (3-Schichtbetrieb) 

Für diese anspruchsvolle Aufgabe ist eine umfangreiche Einarbeitungsphase vorgesehen, die sich über die Bereiche Produktion und Verpackung erstreckt. Hierbei unterstützen Sie unsere erfahrenen Kollegen, Schichtführer und Produktionsleiter. 

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Sie möchten sich lieber „klassisch“ per Post bewerben? Dann senden Sie uns Ihre Unterlagen bitte an: Ebrofrost Germany GmbH * Rappenwörthstraße 5 * 89362 Offingen 

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Ausbildungsplatz (m/w/d)

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Ebrofrost North America

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=“Ebrofrost North America“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center“ use_theme_fonts=“yes“][vc_column_text]

2360 Prospect Street
Memphis / Tennessee 38106
United States
Tel: +1 (901) 948-856

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Annual Capacity 45.000 to.
19 employees

Rice line: Capacity 7.5 to. / hour/ utilized capacity 60%

Pasta line: Capacity 3,5 to. / hour / start will be April 2019

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Annual Capacity 45.000 to.
19 employees

Rice line: Capacity 7.5 to. / hour

Pasta line: Capacity 3,5 to. / hour / start will be September 2019

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In March 2015 the board of directors of EBROFROST holding agreed that due to positive signals from the market and sales team in the US ( RIVIANA ) a market research should be started to negotiate the potentials of frozen rice and pasta in the US.

Market research has been done and it was agreed that EBROFROST North America should be founded and to require a membership in the American frozen food association ( AFFI )

Thanks to the participation at AFFI we got the information 2016 that B&G must close down their“Green giant” rice and pasta cooking freezing facility in a general mills plant by end 2017. From thatmoment we knew there will be a vacuum in the market and we immediately started to negotiate with B&G and to built up a business and investment plan – even without knowing how much of the volume we will be able to get we started to built up a plant in Memphis next to the RIVIANA dry rice plant.

Planning started 2nd quarter 2016 – production started October 2017

In record time we realized a total investment of 35 mio USD ( the biggest single investment ever made in EBROFROST )

The biggest rice line with fully automated tote packaging has been realized there and we are very proud that the line delivers excellent quality from day one.

In May 2019 additionally to the rice and grains processing line a short cut pasta line will be started up to be able to produce neither fresh produced pasta as cooked frozen or IQF Pasta cooked from dry.

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Ebrofrost Denmark

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=“Ebrofrost Denmark A/S
“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center“ use_theme_fonts=“yes“][vc_column_text]

Odensevej 16
5853 Ørbæk
+45 (0) 65 33177-0

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Annual Capacity 39.000 to.
45 employees

Line BC 16:  Rice / Capacity 4.2 to. / utilized capacity 100%

Line BC 8:  Grains & Rice / Capacity 4,2 to. / hour / utilized capacity 60%

Nest-Line:  2.0 to. / utilized capacity 40%

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Annual Capacity 39.000 to.
45 employees

Line BC 16:  Rice / Capacity 4.2 to. / hour

Line BC 8:  Grains & Rice / Capacity 4,2 to. / hour

Nest-Line:  2.0 to. / hour

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1993: Danrice A/S was founded in Denmark on its patented technology for cooking and freezing rice in a continuous process.
1994: The first production line based on the patented technology was established.
1996: The company was certified according to ISO 9001.
1997: Second production line was established.
1998: Launched production of IQF pasta under the trademark Danpasta A/S.
2003: The company was acquired by Ebro Foods Spain, as part of the company’s continued expansion.
2004: Danrice and Danpasta were merged under the name Danrice A/S
2009: Installed a new state of art cooking and freezing line for the production of grains
2011: British Retail Consortium certification (BRC).
2012: Installed a fully automated packing and palletizing system.
2012: Started Export to the USA.
2013: Merged Keck and Danrice into what became Ebrofrost.
2014: Installed a pasta nests line for the production of cooked and frozen long cut pasta.
2015: Established a sales office in the USA
2017: Upgraded the rice line to increase line capacity with 25%
2018: Upgraded the grain line to increase line capacity with 20% capacity and started the RTE journey.
2018: Re-named the company to Ebrofrost Denmark A/S
2019: Upgraded the nests line to increase capacity by 40%

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Ebrofrost UK Ltd.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=“Ebrofrost UK Ltd.
“ font_container=“tag:h4|text_align:center“ use_theme_fonts=“yes“][vc_column_text]

Hobbs Lane
Beckley, Rye
TN31 6TS
+44 (0) 1797 26057-0

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Annual Capacity 10.000 to.
16 employees

short cut pasta line:
Capacity frozen 2,5 to. / hour
Capacity chilled 3,5 to. / hour / start will be spring 2019


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Due to the fact that Danrice and Germany exported a total of app. 5000 to. into UK and to free up capacities in

Germany Ebrofrost has been looking for a plant or facility to start a small unit in UK.

Former Orchidwood mushroom factory has been looking for someone to take over their team and plant, and since everything fitted well Ebrofrost decided to step in, take over and transferred into a pasta factory

In Oktober 2014 ebrofrost UK has been founded and added to the Holding structure.

Beginning 2015 we started to refurbish, adapte and upgrade the fromer mushroom plant

production started Sept. 2015

a long lasting idea to transfer the know how of frozen into chilled beame hot in 2017 and we started to develop the prozess of ultrafresh cooked chilled pasta for salad producers and chilled ready meal manufacurers.

In 2018 the plant has been accredited as High care – ready to eat – plant

Beside of the chilled pasta we produce in Beckley we added chilled grains and beans and pulses from sister companies to the assortment so that we can offer a full range of interesting ingredients/compounds

In 1 quarter 2019 with IFE exhibition there was the rollout of the concept

pasta – grains – lentils – pulses

Ready to mix

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